"We can do no great things, only small things with great love."

Friday, January 22, 2010

The children are so fascinating here. I've observed many things about them. 1.) The "don't talk to strangers" rule doesn't exist here. Children will come up to you and grab your hand and walk with you. 2.) They eat the bizarre things. Kids everywhere put strange objects in their mouths, but usually by a certain age they stop. But here, they eat all kinds of things including chalk, garbage, staples. Someone even said that since they don't have milk, they will eat chicken bones for calcium, but I don't see how's that's possible. 3.) The kids love cell phones. They are always asking to use my phone to play games. One of the orphans, Manou, is always the first to ask me. He calls me shorty (even though I am taller than him, but probably not for long). 4.) The kids don't really have any toys. Instead, they mostly make up their own games. They also play with rubber bands-making webs out of them or this game where they toss them. They do have a few balls around and they play football (or soccer in America) too. They usually play outside so if they had toys they would get dirty. But I do wish they had trucks or something. The other day, I was terrified because one of the little girls in my compound was carrying around a large knife! She eventually went back inside and but it back. But it's so scary that a knife like that is within her reach and she could really hurt herself or someone else.


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