"We can do no great things, only small things with great love."

Monday, February 8, 2010

The sun's not yellow, it's chicken

This weekend I went to Ada with the other volunteers. We stayed at a beach resort and it was a bit surreal eating pasta, drinking wine, and listening to country music in Africa. I even met some other Americans who were studying in Accra. One of them went to UVM and was from Maine. Sunday was just a ridiculous day. First the toilet caught on fire. Then, on our way back, three of us ended up in a very crammed tro-tro. We sat in the front and I had to sit on Robert's lap. Behind us, someone had a basket full of chickens. When it was time for everyone to pay, this was a huge argument. The passengers thought they were only paying 1 cedi, but the driver was asking for 1.50. He had to stop the tro-tro and everyone was yelling and arguing about the money situation and this lasted for at least a half hour, if not more. Finally, we got back to the orphanage. I spent the whole weekend lying or sitting around doing nothing. And I was really restless and tired of always hanging out and doing nothing. I know that it's how they live here, but I really need to feel more useful. I talked to the director of my organization and told her about my concerns and she said that she can move me to another orphanage 25 minutes away. I haven't decided yet if I will move because I might be able to start teaching soon and that will be so much better then doing office work.


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